Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Son

**It's A Boy!**

I realize now that I am actually having a SON. As in "this is my son, Mateo." Up to now I have only thought of it as, I'm having a BABY. Babies are everywhere, baby here, baby there, I have nephews and nieces but this time this little baby belongs to me and is MY son. He will be learning the ways of the world from his father, uncle and myself. The future of his personality and his cognitive development rest on the influences that I expose him to. It is a reality check that I am getting comfortable with coming into my 23rd week of pregnancy.

The exciting part is the baby part. For me as a female and shopaholic I love the idea of buying all the cute little outfits and just holding my little baby in my arms. His little feet, arms, legs, body... it's great! I just want to love my child and be with him and make him the best person I can. 
I have a hectic past because I want to live fast, but I want to die old. I want to watch my son grow up into an amazing human being, and any child that follows thereafter. My friends and I are part of the younger gen of moms, being in our early 20's, and they still want to concentrate on living fast and I'm down to just be a mom and be all about my kid. I don't need that fast life anymore, but I won't become a hermit to social life either. We'll see how that works out when the time comes.